Seher Shah, Cross Conference Scheme from the Manual for Treason

Seher Shah, Cross Conference Scheme from the Manual for Treason

Zoi Gaitanidou, Attack, 2007, Ink on paper, 27 1/2 x 39 1/4 in

Zoi Gaitanidou, Attack, 2007, Ink on paper, 27 1/2 x 39 1/4 in.

Cameron Crawford and Jibade-Khalil Huffman, Double Jointed

Cameron Crawford and Jibade-Khalil Huffman, "Double Jointed", Scaramouche, NY

Michael Bühler-Rose, Kunkumam and Turmeric, 2013

Michael Bühler-Rose, Kunkumam and Turmeric, 2013 

Gilberto Giovagnoli, Untitled, 1983, oil on canvas

Gilberto Giovagnoli, Untitled, 1983, oil on canvas, 79 x 87 inches

Alessandro Roma, Subito mi spoglio ed esco mezzo nudo sotto la pioggia (Immediately I undress and go out half naked under the rain)

Alessandro Roma, Subito..., 2010-2011

Irina Korina, Scarecrow (detail)

Irina Korina, Scarecrow (detail)2012

Kuba Bakowski, Study for the movie at L.C. Bates Museum

Kuba Bakowski, Study for the movie at L.C. Bates Museum, 2009