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Weekly Outlook
It is the beginning of a new year and we are off with a bang! There are so many engaging and fascinating new shows and events making their appearance; Thursday might pop if we tried to put another show into it. Do not forget to check our site often, as new shows are added daily. Here's to a new year, hope you have a safe and happy one. - Alexandra Schoell, Editor.
Editor's Picks
Tuesday: + Clive Smith "Beak, Claw, Hand, Brush" at Marlborough Gallery (Chelsea) Thursday:
Sunday: + Performance: "An Evening with Puddles Pity Party, presented by CEG" at Le Poisson Rouge Full Listings (All Art Events This Week)
Tuesday, January 6
+ Clive Smith "Beak, Claw, Hand, Brush" at Marlborough Gallery (Chelsea) 25 street: 545 W 25 street, 6-8pm Blair Thurman, John Armleder, Justin Adian, Stéphane Kropf "Rascal House" at Half Gallery 78 street: 43 E 78th, 6-8pm Group Show "Out With the Old. In With the Few.14 Artists to Follow in 2015" curated by Paul Calendrillo at Gallery RIVAA Roosevelt Island: 527 Main street, 6-9pm Wednesday, January 7
Alona Weiss, Bruce Nauman, Carlo Ferraris, Haim Steinbach, Luisa Caldwell, Marcello Maloberti, Martin Wong, Richard Long, Richard Serra, Wang Jingyu "TALK TO THE HAND" at LYNCH THAM Chinatown/LES: 175 Rivington Street , 6-8pm "Half Straddle: Ancient Lives" at The Kitchen 19 street: 512 W 19 street, , 6-8pm ? Ido Abramsohn "Objects: A Two-Part Documentary" at Camera Club of New York (CCNY) 37 street: 336 W 37 street, (time not confirmed, check with gallery) "School Open House" at International Center of Photography (ICP) (School) 43 street: 1114 Avenue of the Americas, 6-8pm Roberto Azank "Lotus Paintings" at Consulate General of Argentina Art Gallery 56 street: 12 W 56 street, 6-8pm Panel Discussion: "ZEROgraphy: Mapping the ZERO network, 1957" at The Guggenheim Museum 89 street: 1071 Fifth avenue, at 89 street, $8-$12, 6:30 pm Thursday, January 8 Helmut Lang at Sperone Westwater Chinatown/LES: 257 Bowery, 6-8pm ? Saira Mclaren "a day and the night" at Sargent's Daughters Chinatown/LES: 179 E Broadway, (time not confirmed, check with gallery) Liz Craft, Pentti Monkkonen "Dead End Street" at Shoot The Lobster Chinatown/LES: 138 Eldridge street, 6-8pm Siri Berg "Color and Space" at Hionas Gallery Chinatown/LES: 124 Forsyth Street, 6-8pm Artist Talk: Aviva Rahmani, Rachel Hills, Tracy Clayton "The Feminist Tea Party" curated by Amanda Parmer at Abrons Arts Center Chinatown/LES: 466 Grand street, 7-9pm Performance: Derrick Hodge, Jose James, Kendrick Scott, Robert Glasper Trio "NYC Winter Jazzfest presents Blue Note Now!" at Le Poisson Rouge Soho: 158 Bleecker street, b/w Thompson & Sullivan, $25-$30, 8pm Lucy Skaer "Random House" at Peter Freeman, Inc. Soho: 140 Grand Street, 6-8pm
Antoine Lefebvre and JaZon Frings "Un Cabinet of Curiosites, Pt II" at Undercurrent Projects 5 Street: 215 E 5 street, off Bowery, 6-8pm Ethan Greenbaum "Leave" at 55 Gansevoort 12 street: 55 Gansevoort street, 6-8pm Yael Bartana at Petzel Gallery 18 street: 456 W 18th St, 6-8pm Shi Jing, Wu Didi "Shi Jing & Wu Didi" at Chambers Fine Art 19 street: 522 W 19 street, 6-8pm ? Victoria Gitman at Garth Greenan Gallery 20 street: 529 20 street, 10th floor, (time not confirmed, check with gallery) Aaron Spangler, Ellen Lesperance, Peter Gallo "Take Back Vermont" at ZieherSmith 20 street: 516 W 20 street, 6-8pm Manuel Ocampo "The Corrections" at Tyler Rollins Fine Art 20 street: 529 W 20 street, 6-8pm Christian Faur, Dan Hernandez, Kathryn Siegler, Sherry Karver "Heavy Lite" at Kim Foster Gallery 20 street: 529 W 20 street, 6-8pm
? Manuel Ocampo "The Corrections" at Tyler Rollins Fine Art 20 street: 529 W 20 street, (time not confirmed, check with gallery)
E.E. Smith "The Ballad of Delia" at Kim Foster Gallery 20 street: 529 W 20 street, 6-8pm Parra "Yer So Bad" at Jonathan LeVine Gallery 20 street: 529 W 20 street, floor 9, 6-8pm at Tanya Bonakdar Gallery 21 street: 521 W 21 street, 6-8pm
Alexi Worth, Amy Park, Bryan Osburn, Carrie Moyer, Elizabeth Hazan, Jennifer Sirey, Sangram Majumdar, Trevor Winkfield "Rough Cut" curated by Jennifer Samet and Elizabeth Hazan at Morgan Lehman Gallery 22 street: 535 W 22 street, floor 6, 6-8pm Robert Kushner "baroque" at DC Moore 22 street: 535 West 22nd st, 2, 6-8pm Adam Fowler, Jaq Belcher, Meg Hitchcock, Nan Swid "RECONFIGURED" at Margaret Thatcher Projects 23 street: 539 W 23 street, ground floor, 6-8pm
Erwin Olaf "W A I T I N G" at Hasted Kraeutler 24 street: 537 W 24 street, 6-8pm "Salon du Dessin" at Lennon, Weinberg, Inc. 25 street: 514 W 25 street, 6-8pm Adam Ekberg "Orchestrating the Ordinary" at ClampArt 25 street: 531 W 25 street, 6-8pm Pacifico Silano "Against Nature" at ClampArt 25 street: 531 W 25 street, 6-8pm "Art For the New Year in NYC" at Agora Gallery (chelsea) 25 street: 530 W 25 street, 6-8pm Luis Mallo "Interruptions" at Praxis International Art 25 street: 541 West 25th St, 6-8pm Jeffrey Beebe "The Battle of The Invoked Impossibility" at BravinLee programs 26 street: 526 W 26 street, suite 211, 6-8pm
? Hugh Steers at Alexander Gray Associates 26 street: 510 W 26 street, (time not confirmed, check with gallery) ? Benjamin Fredrickson at Daniel Cooney Fine Art 26 street: 508 W 26th Street, suite 9C, (time not confirmed, check with gallery) ? Scot Sothern "Lowlife 1985 - 1991" at Daniel Cooney Fine Art 26 street: 508 W 26th Street, suite 9C, (time not confirmed, check with gallery)
Suzanne Unrein "Fresh!" at Rare 27 street: 547 W 27 street, suite 514, 6-8pm Anita Kunz, Karen Whitman, Katherine Dolgy Ludwig, Lauren Simkin Berke, Pamela Shields, RJ Avallone, Sherry Camhy, Tevin Thomas ""_WhatWePrintAboutWhenWePrintAboutLove_"" curated by Katherine Dolgy Ludwig at Ceres Gallery 27 street: 547 W 27 street, floor 2, 6-8pm ? Mary Reilly "Graffiti Trees" at Garvey Simon Art Access 27 street: 547 W 27th Street, suite 207, (time not confirmed, check with gallery) Eitan Vitkon "Thorns" curated by Emmanuel Fremin at Emmanuel Fremin Gallery 27 street: 547 West 27th Street, suite 508, 6-8pm Christa Toole "Echo" at Phoenix Gallery 28 street: 548 W 28 street, Suite 528, 6-8pm Mark Klett "Camino del Diablo" at Pace/MacGill 57 street: 32 E 57 street, floor 9, 5:30-7:30pm + Gary Kaleda, Lilian R Engel "HUMANITY IN PIXELS & STONE" at Susan Eley Fine Art 90 street: 46 W 90 street, floor 2, 6-8pm
Workshop: "Studio Salon: Fashion Figures" at Studio Museum Harlem 125 street: 144 W 125 street, 7-9pm
Joo Yeon Woo "What's My Name?" at A.I.R. Gallery Brooklyn, Dumbo: 111 Front street, #228, 6-9pm Katsura Okada "Apetalous II" at A.I.R. Gallery Brooklyn, Dumbo: 111 Front street, #228, 6-9pm Artist Talk: Amanda Turner Pohan "The Signals Are Caressing Us" at A.I.R. Gallery Brooklyn, Dumbo: 111 Front street, #228, 6:30pm Performance: Jeanann Dara, Lea Bertucci, Leila Bordreuil "The Cepheid Variations" at Issue Project Room Brooklyn, Misc.: 22 Boerum Place, $10 suggested, 8-10pm Friday, January 9 Ann Oren, Gereon Krebber, Robyn Voshardt/sven Humphrey "the trees, the trees, the trees" at Cindy Rucker Gallery Chinatown/LES: 141 Attorney street, near Stanton street, 6-8pm Grear Patterson "Manhattan Beach" at Marlborough Broome Street Chinatown/LES: 331 Broome street, 6-8pm Ann Greene Kelly, B. Wurtz, David Benjamin Sherry, Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Letha Wilson, Ryan Foerster, Sarah Braman "Zabriskie Point" at Jack Hanley Gallery Chinatown/LES: 327 Broome Street, 6-8pm Anya Gallaccio at Lehmann Maupin Chinatown/LES: 201 Chrystie street, at Stanton street, 6-8pm Maia Cruz Palileo "Lost Looking" curated by Jordan Buschur at Artists Alliance Inc. (CUCHIFRITOS gallery/project space) Chinatown/LES: 120 Essex street, 5-7pm Kellyann Burns at McKenzie Fine Art Chinatown/LES: 55 Orchard st, 6-8pm
Caterina De Re, Chrysanne Stathacos, Diane Barker, Heather Kessinger, Kate Temple, Mary DeVincentis, Maxine Henryson, Peter Aronson, Tsunma Jamyang Donma/Yulokod Studios "TENDREL - རྟེ" curated by Zola Nyambuu at Tibet House Museum/Gallery 15 street: 22 W 15 street, 6-8pm Aaron Aujla, Adam Gordon, Adam Marnie, Albert Herter, Aura Rosenberg, Christopher K. Ho, Corey Escoto, Eileen Quinlan, Fred Wilson, Heather Bursch, Justin Lieberman, Kevin Zucker, Lmll, Matt Wycoff, Michel Auder, Nowork, Patricia Treib, Rose Marcus, Thatcher Keats "Fictions" curated by Adam Marnie at Derek Eller Gallery 27 street: 615 W 27 street, 6-8pm ? Jan Groover, Kristen Jensen, Matt Paweski, Monique Mouton, Rebecca Morris, Zachary Leener "Forthcoming" at Wallspace Gallery 27 street: 619 W 27 street, (time not confirmed, check with gallery) Dennis Tomkins "SOLASTALGIA" at Art 101 Brooklyn, Williamsburg: 101 Grand street, 6-9pm Joanne Ungar, Kim Holleman "Consumed" at Front Room Gallery Brooklyn, Williamsburg: 147 Roebling street, 7-9pm "The Pre-Vinylite Society Show Card Show" curated by Meredith Kasabian at Calico Brooklyn, Greenpoint: 67 West St, #206, 7-10pm Johee Kim, Kate Minford "Being Becomes" at Slag Gallery Brooklyn, Bushwick: 56 Bogart St, 7-9pm Johee Kim, Kate Minford "Being Becomes" at Slag Gallery Brooklyn, Bushwick: 56 Bogart St, 7-9pm Gabriela Salazar "My Lands are Islands" at NURTUREart Gallery Brooklyn, Bushwick: 56 Bogart Street, 7-9pm Faren Ziello "Turn On Me" at Culture Room Brooklyn, Bushwick: 163 Starr Street, #4L, 7-10pm ? Allie Rex, Bridgette Zou, Dara Alter, Elizabeth Emery, Justin Webb, Katie Marshall, Katrina Majkut, Lisa McCutcheon, Natale Adgnot, Rebecca Reeves "Introductions" curated by Mary Negro at Brooklyn Art Space (Trestle Gallery) Brooklyn, Misc.: 168 7th street, floor 3, (time not confirmed, check with gallery) Alexa Hoyer "Targets" at Fresh Window Brooklyn, Misc.: 56 Bogart street, 7-9pm Allie Rex, Bridgette Zou, Dara Alter, Elizabeth Emery, Justin Webb, Katie Marshall, Katrina Majkut, Lisa McCutcheon, Natale Adgnot, Rebecca Reeves "Introductions" curated by Mary Negro at Trestle Project Space Brooklyn, Misc.: 400 Third avenue, 7-9pm Jeri Coppola "Kairos: A Selection of Work from a Selection of Time" at bkbx (Brooklyn Box) Brooklyn, Misc.: 543 Union street, 6-8pm "The Two States of W.W." at TSA Brooklyn, Misc.: 1329 Willoughby avenue, #2A, 6-9pm Saturday, January 10 Closing reception: Ivaylo Gueorgiev "SIR! SIR! ....SORRY." at Launch F18 Downtown: 373 Broadway, floor 6, 6-8pm ? Halsey Rodman "Triple Trouble" at KANSAS Downtown: 59 Franklin street, (time not confirmed, check with gallery) Math Bass/Lauren Fisher/Gordon Hall "With & Width" at Chapter NY Chinatown/LES: 127 Henry street, 6-8pm Math Bass/Lauren Fisher/Gordon Hall "With & Width" at Chapter NY Chinatown/LES: 127 Henry street, 6-8pm Anicka Yi, Charles Harlan, Edward and Nancy Kienholz, Kyle Thurman, Nora Mapp, Rochelle Goldberg, Roelof Louw "The Gentle Way (JUDO)" curated by Zak Kitnick at Clifton Benevento Soho: 515 Broadway, suite 6BR, 5-7pm Cycle, Darkcloud, Deborah Claxton, Gabriel Specter, Hiro Ichikawa, J, Jeremy Szopinski, JMR, Kenji Nakayama, Margaret Morrison, Mark Mastroianni, Moody, Natalie Edgar, Richard Hambleton, Rick Begneaud, Sabina Forbes II, Stikman, Susan Breen, Terence Netter, Thomas Buildmore "20 in 15" at Woodward Gallery Soho: 133 Eldridge street, b/w broome & delancey, noon-6pm
Artist Talk: and Dr. Anne C. Shreffler "E/I Saturday Discussion" at Tanya Bonakdar Gallery 21 street: 521 W 21 street, 11am Anita Molinero, Evan Robarts and John Roebas, Nicholas Pilato, Olivier Kosta-Théfaine, Sarah Braman, Sylvie Auvray "Dérive(s)" curated by Romain Dauriac at Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery 24 street: 505 W 24 street, 6-8pm Devin Troy Strother "Space Jam" at Marlborough Gallery (Chelsea) 25 street: 545 W 25 street, 6-8pm
Jess Fuller "Planet Without A Body" at Martos Gallery 29 street: 540 W 29 street, 6-8pm Open Studio: "Spring Open House for Parents & Children" at China Institute Gallery 65 street: 125 E 65 street, 10am-noon A-One, Dondi, Rammellzee "Ikonoclasts" at WALLWORKS NEW YORK 132 street: 39 Bruckner boulivard, 6-9pm Julian Lorber, Mark Dorf "Second Nature" at Outlet Brooklyn, Bushwick: 253 Wilson Ave, 7-10pm Lena Lapschina "Lena Lapschina: Yes/No" curated by Monika Wuhrer at Open Source Brooklyn, Misc.: 255 17 street, b/w 5th & 6th avenue, 7-9pm + Zack Davis "Vivo Vitro Silico Situ" at American Medium Brooklyn, Misc.: 424 Gates avenue, 6-9pm Carleen Zimbalatti, Christine Heindl, Cordy Ryman, Eric Amouyal, Kathy Grayson, Rico Gatson, Rob de Oude, Robert Hickman, Robert Otto Epstein, Ryan DaWalt, Sheryl Oppenheim, Tamara Gonzales "Working Knowledge" curated by Ryan Dawalt & Robert Otto Epstein at lorimoto Queens: 16-23 Hancock street, 6-9pm Sunday, January 11 B. Ingrid Olson "double-ended arrow" at Simone Subal Gallery Chinatown/LES: 131 Bowery, floor 2, 6-8pm "Shoplifter" at Capricious 88 Chinatown/LES: 88 Eldridge street, 5 floor, 6-8pm Wendy White "REDIDAS" at Rawson Projects Chinatown/LES: 221 Madison street, 6-8pm Allyson Vieira, Elizabeth McAlpine, Karthik Pandian, Kate Newby, Will Rogan "Eraser" at Laurel Gitlen Chinatown/LES: 122 Norfolk Street, 6-8pm Tal Eshed "Fragile" curated by Mitra Khorasheh at Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert Chinatown/LES: 33 Orchard street, 6-8pm Ann Toebbe "Remarried" at Monya Rowe Gallery Chinatown/LES: 34 Orchard street, 6-8pm "Mirosław Bałka, Sophie Bueno-Boutellier, Liam Everett, Lionel Maunz" at On Stellar Rays Chinatown/LES: 1 Rivington street, 6-8pm
+ Performance: "An Evening with Puddles Pity Party, presented by CEG" at Le Poisson Rouge Soho: 158 Bleecker street, b/w Thompson & Sullivan, $30-$35, 9:30pm Performance: Keith Jameson, Kim Smith "InsightALT - Why Is Eartha Kitt Trying to Kill Me?: A Love Story" at Le Poisson Rouge Soho: 158 Bleecker street, b/w Thompson & Sullivan, $15, 6pm Frank Magnotta "Co-Patriot" at junior projects 4 Street: 139 Norfolk street, 6-8pm Christine Rebet, David Adamo, Farah Atassi, Lionel Maunz, Wojciech Bąkowski "It Rained Again" at Bureau 4 Street: 178 Norfolk street, 6-8pm Jamie Isenstein, Leonhard Hurzlmeier, Lucas Blalock, Paul McCarthy, Zachary Leener "Proper Nouns" curated by Wyatt Kahn at Rachel Uffner Gallery 4 Street: 170 Suffolk street, 6-8pm Jeff Feld "Lucky Dollar" at Gridspace Brooklyn, Misc.: 112 Rogers avenue, 5-7pm Open Studio: "Exhibitions & Open Studios" at Mana Contemporary Art Center Jersey City: 888 Newark Avenue, 6th floor, 1-7pm Monday, January 12 Performance: Betty Bonifassi, Daniel Marques - Rodrigo Ursaia Duo, Eco (Ivo Senra and Lucio Vieira), Emel Mathlouthi, Fernando Vilela, Karsh Kale, Pedro Sá Moraes, Puerto Candelaria, Sergio Krakowski, Thiago Amud, Thiago Thiago de Melo "Riot Nights! & Brazilian Explorative Sessions" at Le Poisson Rouge Soho: 158 Bleecker street, b/w Thompson & Sullivan, $15-$20, 6pm "Abby Grey and Indian Modernism: Selections from the NYU Art Collection" at Grey Art Gallery (NYU) 10 street: 100 Washington square east, 6-8pm "The Left Front: Radical Art in the “Red Decade,” 1929" at Grey Art Gallery (NYU) 10 street: 100 Washington square east, 6-8pm About
Artcards New York is a weekly email publication led by editor Alexandra Schoell and publisher Morgan Croney. Email event submissions to or use our submission form and add an image to your listing here. Powered by phpList. + = Editor's pick ? = Opening not confirmed - check site for updates.
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