commentSaveView imagePhotography: Anne De Geer, Armineh Johannes, Chelsea Mahlangu, Cheryl Miller, Christian Kleiman, Gazelle Pezeshkmehr, Heidi Margocsy, John Pfisterer, katarzyna idzkowska, Kelly Hsiao, Lifu Hu, Lisa Saltzman, Mahendra Bakle, Mark Coggins, Paul Tillinghast, Paula Aranoa "The 6th Chelsea International Photography Competition" curated by Kiran Karnani, Laylah Amatullah Barrayn, Susan Ressler at
commentSavePanel Discussion: Curator, D.Dominick Lombardi (artist, Martin Weinstein (artist), Priska Juschka (Director Lichtundfire), Robert Curcio (curcioprojects), writer) "A Conversation with Martin Weinstein moderated by Priska Juschka in conjunction with the Solo Exhibition Martin Weinstein- Continuum: A History of Impermanence" curated by Priska Juschka at