by Helen Homan Wu
on November 30th, 2010

Photos: HW
Oh Miami. Has it been another year already since the last Art Basel Miami? Feels like it was only a week ago since I crossed these strips. The only evidence of time having moved on is from all the Art Basel/Nada/Scope ad flags that got updated to the year 2010. This year I gave myself enough time to readjust to the new climate, habitats, eye-candy, and lots of space. The 20 or so art fairs are quite spread out, so it’s not that easy to navigate without a vehicle. You can either take cabs, rent a car, bike, hop on shuttle vans, or (this one’s my pick) hail a rickshaw. At The Grand Beach Hotel, our host provided us with a lovely suite that faces two sides of the sphere, with endless views of palm trees, and the ocean. They are now even offering special packages for Art Basel guests.
At tonight’s MoCA X Vanity Fair preview event, VIPs and press folks were schmoozing over cocktails and finger food around the “Bruce Weber: Haiti/Little Haiti” photography exhibition. The vibe was definitely stimulating and alive with everyone looking fresh and ready for the next few days ahead. Stepping away from the crowd, I dashed straight to the flashing “Paradise Lights” (1996) installation by Jack Pierson. It seems to summarize the upcoming events quite well — art market in a carnival-esque setting. Although this is my first time at the Museum of Contemporary Art in North Miami, their collection, program, and on-going acquisitions are quite impressive, some of which are listed online. Keep checking back for more on the fairs, galleries, talks, and performances. And holla to my New York artist friends who are heading down to show and perform. Here’s a quick recap of tonight’s MoCA party.
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by Carissa Pelleteri
on November 30th, 2010

"Wild Child Hand Style" 2010, © Jose Parla
Artists and brothers, Jose and Rey Parla each have unique and recognizable visions. Born into a family of Cuban exiles, they moved to Puerto Rico at very early ages to return to Miami again before they were teenagers. They both currently live and work in Brooklyn, NY. Two weeks ago I had a studio visit with Jose and Rey. Knowing each other since the year 2000 we caught up about their latest projects. It was such a thrill to see all of the work – finished or in progress, their work truly moves me.
Jose’s bodies of work, particularly his paintings, are a combination of memories and experiences, from the many cities he has moved through since childhood and throughout his life. Through these diverse locations, each painting holds the textures, colors and pulse of each place. The walls in which he draws direct inspiration from, hold years of decay and neglect from the layers of paint, to decades of old posters.

"Scratch Graph 1" 2007, © Rey Parla
Rey creates abstract works, which combine film, photography, paint and ink materials. These images are not computer-generated, but are hand-manipulated experimental motion picture based works that create a new kind of a “non-photo” photograph. Continue Reading More »
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by Cielo Lutino
on November 30th, 2010

images courtesy of Art Agenda
Thanksgiving is over, and the countdown is on: a month left for buying or making gifts, if you’re of the gift-giving persuasion. But time winds faster at White Columns, where the Frederick Loomis show is up for just one more week. Priorities, people. Get thee to White Columns. Continue Reading More »
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by Amanda Schmitt
on November 30th, 2010

Sao Paulo Turtleneck, 2010
Working in the woodshop at Parson’s School of Design, Alan Reid draws inspiration, in an ironic way, and finds useful materials, in a work with what you’ve got kind of way, through the discarded scraps of wood left behind from drill presses, routers, and other power tools. In his second show at Lisa Cooley, With, Reid uses these bits and pieces and presents them atop seven large canvases, upon which rest seven lethargic, ephemeral females. Continue Reading More »
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by Howard Hurst
on November 28th, 2010

images courtesy of the artist and Jack Shainman Gallery, NY
“Color/Should not be submissive/It cannot be subjugated/It will not obey/It should not play nice/Color is unruly/It is not for the faint of heart/It can be hard and strong/It can be bold/It can be clear and true/It can also lie/It can trick and deceive us all/Color does what it wants/ It misbehaves/ But most importantly/Color can change our minds.” These words belong to the painter Odili Donald Odita. His singsong manifesto is no less romantic and optimistic for its mischievous tone. Continue Reading More »
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by Brinson Renda
on November 25th, 2010
Artcards brings you to art |
November 23, 2010 |

Weekly Outlook
Art Basel Miami Beach is officially one week away. November 30th through December 1st, VIP Card holders will have access to exhibition vernissages and previews for most fairs. In addition, our local galleries and museums will host openings & previews. Beyond the early-week invitation-only events, there is plenty to do for the general public during these days.
In anticipation of the seemingly overwhelming events going on for Basel, we have now displayed ALL Art Basel related events on our Artcards Miami page. Now is the time to start planning your art hopping journey. The easiest way to make sure you don’t miss out on the best events is to 1) go to our Miami site, 2) pick the day you want to see art, 3) select the shows you want to see, and 4) print your personalized map.
Highlighted this weekend is the NOMI art stroll (near MOCA), one of Miami’s many local art walk events. These walks are a great way to stay connected with the arts in your community, network and enjoy a cocktail or two.
Lastly, I want to give you an early invite to meet our team in person: please come to NADA Art Fair, booth #L-8 on Dec 2-5 to meet the Artcards Team in person and receive a special treat. Continue Reading More »
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by Helen Homan Wu
on November 23rd, 2010

Bryan Zanisnik, To Hell and Back (Nothing), 2008. Y GALLERY
Nada kicks off in just 10 days! This year the not-for-profit New Art Dealers Alliance art fair, will be held once again inside the stylish art deco Deauville Beach Resort in Miami. We will have a booth in Nada, so come say hello. Looking forward to a week of good fun, art parties, sunny cocktails, cuban cigars, lots of legwork, and hopefully won’t get too drunk on art. We’ll keep updating and Carissa will be documenting with gorgeous photos. And a big thank you to our hotel sponsor The Grand Beach Hotel. Here’s a preview at what some of the participating galleries will be showing. Continue Reading More »
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