by Aaron Harbour
on June 30th, 2012

Entrance to Krowswork, with Carrie Hott's 'Blackout Means Black'
all photos courtesy Krowswork Gallery 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012 saw the opening of DocumentO, an extremely ambitious project at Krowswork Gallery in Oakland, California. It was organized by its Director, Jasmine Moorhead. Operating under the guise of an unofficial satellite show to dOCUMENTA (13), the massive, 100-day exhibition held every five years in Kassel, Germany, the show at Krowswork is a brief (July 1 close) overview of the art scene in Oakland. It has been noted that ‘no one likes these things when they happen’, but judging by early reviews, dOCUMENTA’s main curator, Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev, has put together a stellar show. Continue Reading More »
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by Aaron Harbour
on June 15th, 2012
For the first in a random series of interviews with galleries in the Bay Area, Aaron Harbour interviewed Claudia Altman-Siegel of Altman Siegel in San Francisco. They show a wide ranging roster of artists, including Matt Keegan, Emily Wardill, Trevor Paglen and Will Rogan. Their current exhibition of Nate Boyce, ‘Knockdown Texture’, closes this week. Their next show features guest curator David Berezin with work by Nicolas Ceccaldi, Kate Owens, Jonathan Horowitz, Eric Sidner and Kirsten Pieroth. It opens June 28th. The conversation began with a particular exhibition and then expanded to examine her practice, both as an aesthetic/conceptual enterprise and as business.
AH: Curating has been something that I stumbled into within the last couple of years. I curate with my partner – who was in the Curatorial Practice program at CCA. We don’t really see ourselves as dealers, [so] I don’t really know much about that end of the profession. I see this interview as helping me learn something but also to create a sort of dialogue and shed some light on what gallerists do.
I have been coming here for a while now and I’ve liked a lot of the exhibitions here. A while back I wrote a review on the
Fran Herndon show –
CAS: Yeah, I saw that. Thank you.
AH: I was curious as to how that show came about.
CAS: I was approached to do that exhibition by Lee Plested and Kevin Killian. Kevin and Fran have been friends for many, many years. He’s a poet and she’s been involved in the poetry scene in the Bay Area for a long time – they had gotten to know each other through a Jack Spicer biography that Kevin had written, which Fran had a big part in. Both Lee and Kevin know that Fran has a huge archive of works from the ‘60s all the way to now and were looking for a place to exhibit them. They had put together a proposal and asked me if I was interested in her work.
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by Artcards Review
on June 4th, 2012

Johanna Unzueta, 21 Faucets, 2010, Felt and thread, 150 cm x 300 cm, Courtesy Vogt Gallery, New York
PINTA Art Fair opens this week in London. Although a relatively new fair with six previous editions, PINTA offers a concentration and breadth of Latin American art without rival in London.
This year promises to attract a particularly large crowd as it falls between the Queen’s celebrations and Art Basel Switzerland. Artcards London will be at the fair and keep you updated on the most interesting events.
For the full schedule visit
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