Art critic Jerry Saltz invites you to email “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Art from an Art Critic but were Afraid to Ask (and maybe aren’t that eager to hear).”

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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Art from an Art Critic but were Afraid to Ask (and maybe aren’t that eager to hear).

Ask New York Magazine’s Senior Art Critic, Jerry Saltz, anything you want about art, art careers, art dealers, prices of art, why critics write about artists, how critics are edited, what makes a good dealer, a bad dealer, how to get back at snarky critics, how to behave around critics, what’s up with reality TV, what makes a curator good, bad, or worse. Ask Jerry Saltz anything in his new New York Magazine Vulture column, Ask the Art Critic. Starts the week of September 20. Tough love; my two-cents; advice; admonitions; suggestions; information; misinformation; good guesses; opinions; warnings; and more to get irked about. Three or four selected questions will be answered per week.

Send questions to  Keep questions clear, simple, and preferably short (75 words or less). All selected questions will be subject to editing. Signed questions are preferable but all questions will be considered.

Go ahead. Take your best shot. Ask the Art Critic.